; ctrlcomm.h
	TITLE   "RS-232 communication for all controllers"
; Equates
; Interrupt rate is baud rate x 4. 2 extra counts to get to the centre 
; of the start bit, 9 x 4 bits for 8 data bits and half of start and 
; stop bits.
DbgComm		equ	0		; If not 0, it's debug mode
TickCount       equ     2               ; 2^2 = 4 ticks per bit
SerCount        equ     ((0ah<<TickCount)+2)
StartBit        equ     (0ah<<TickCount)
StopBit         equ     (1<<TickCount)
CountMask       equ     ((1<<TickCount)-1)
P1RxIn          equ     7
P1TxOut         equ     6
	if DbgComm != 0
	BitDbg          equ     5
	ByteDbg         equ     4
; Status bits
RxRdy           equ     0
RxBusy          equ     1
TxRdy           equ     2
TxBusy          equ     3
RxOver          equ     4
FramErr         equ     5
; Data
; Port 1 data
P1Stat          RES     1       ; Status bits
P1TxSr          RES     1       ; Transmit shift register
P1TxByte        RES     1       ; Transmit holding register
P1RxSr          RES     1       ; Receive shift register
P1RxByte        RES     1       ; Recieve holding register
P1TxCount       RES     1       ; Transmit bit count
P1RxCount       RES     1       ; Receive bit count

External Labels :
